- Report on ECAI '00 Workshop on Machine Learning in Computer Vision (pdf version, 103 KByte) (Sept 11, 2000)
- Reports on CoIL'2000 Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Learning (July 5, 2000)
- Report on EWLR '99 and a Roadmap for Robot Learning Research (pdf version, 37 KByte) (July 5, 2000)
- Report on the ECML-2000 Workshop: Dealing with Structured Data in Machine Learning and Statistics (pdf version, 91 KByte) (June 21, 2000)
- MLnet Exhibition (May 23, 2000)
- New EC call: Neuroinformatics for living artefacts (May 18, 2000)
- Syllogic Sailing Lab nearly there (May 12, 2000)
- Report on the Third Int. Conf. on Cognitive Modelling (ICCM) 2000 (pdf version, 69 KByte) (May 09, 2000)
- ILP newsletter, Second Issue 2000 (May 01, 2000)
- COiL competition: Deadline approaching (Apr 26, 2000
- TiMBL: New version announced (Mar 16, 2000)
- KA^2: The next generation (Mar 16, 2000)
- ILP newsletter, First Issue 2000 (Mar 01, 2000)
- MLnet Workshops at ECML-2000: (Jan 22, 2000)
- New EC-IST call: The Disappearing Computer (Dec 7, 1999)
- Reports on the Advance Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI) summer school 1999 (Dec 7, 1999)
- Report on the Fourth European Workshop on Learning Robots (EWLR) 1999 (pdf version, 50 KByte) (Dec 7, 1999)
- ILP newsletter, Second Issue (Dec 6, 1999)
- Information on the Workplan 2000 of the EC Information Society Technologies (Nov 24, 1999)
- ILPnet2 revives ILP newsletter (Oct 26, 1999)
- Learning Language in Logic (LLL)'99, a report by James Cussens (Aug 22, 1999)
- Industrial day at ICML'99, Achieving competitive advantages with data mining and decision support. A report by Nada Lavrac (Aug 22, 1999) 1999)
- ILP'99, a report by Nicolas Lachiche (July 20, 1999)
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