| Previous Spotlights- JASSS Vol.4(2): New issue now available (Apr 01, 01)
- ILP newsletter: Second Issue 2001 now available (Mar 24, 01)
- ILP newsletter: First Issue 2001 now available (Feb 14, 01)
- ICML 2001: Student Scholarship Program (Jan 24, 01)
- Train-IT: New EC support measure (Jan 08, 01)
- Statistics & Probability: Elsevier announces new website (Dec 13, 00)
- Analysis of Environmental Data with ML methods: An international seminar at Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia (Nov 21, 00)
- ILP newsletter: Third Issue 2000 now available (Nov 01, 00)
- Support Vector book: Second reprint now available (Nov 01, 00)
- ETAI - Electronic Transactions on AI: New area "The Semantic Web" (Oct 20, 00)
- GWCBR'2001: Final CFP and extended deadline (Oct 04, 00)
- Sneak Preview: Appl. of Data Mining to Electronic Commerce - 2001/01 special issue of DMKD (Oct 04, 00)
- Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal: Cfp for Special Issue on Machine Learning in Computer Vision (Sept 21, 00)
- community at mlnet.org: MLnet's new public mailing list (Sept 11, 00)
- ML in Computer Vision Workshop: Report available online (Sept 11, 00)
- EKAW 2000: 2nd Call for participation (Sept 09, 00)
- COIL 2000 Symposium: Reports available online (Sept 8, 00)
- SIGKDD Explorations: Vol 2, Issue 1 now available online (Aug 28, 00)
- COiL Summer School: A few places left - registration ends August 22nd (Aug 16, 00)
- Discovery Challenge at PKDD 2000: Call for contributions (July 22, 00)
- New report on EWLR '99 and Roadmap for Robot Learning Research (July 05, 00)
- Reports on ECML-2000 workshops: Now available (June 21, 00)
- COiL Summer School: Call for participation (June 14, 00)
- MLnet Exhibition: Program available (May 23, 00)
- New EC call: Neuroinformatics for living artefacts (May 18, 2000)
- Report on ICCM 2000: now available (May 09, 00)
- ILP newsletter: Second Issue 2000 now available (May 01, 00)
- COiL competition: DL approaching (Apr 26, 00)
- MLnet Exhibition: Final call and extended DL (Apr 11, 00)
- TiMBL: New version announced (Mar 16, 00)
- KA^2: The next generation (Mar 16, 00)
- ILP newsletter: First Issue 2000 now available (Mar 01, 00)
- CFP: MLnet Workshop at ECML-2000: Machine Learning in the New Information Age (Feb 22, 00)
- ILP newsletter, First Issue 2000 (Mar 01, 2000)
- CFP: MLnet Workshop at ECML-2000: Dealing with Structured Data in ML and Statistics (Feb 12, 00)
- MLnet establishes Special Interest Groups (Feb 12, 00)
- New EC-IST call: The Disappearing Computer (Jan 11, 00)
- Projects section: Add/Update feature now available. (Dec 30, 99)
- MLnet roadmap: Newest version now online. (Dec 14, 99)
- ILP newsletter: Second Issue now available. (Dec 6, 99)
- EC - Information Society Technologies: Information on the Workplan for 2000 and beyond (Nov 24, 99)
- MLnet2 - Training Committee Information Service now online (Nov 15, 99)
- ILPnet2 revives newsletter: Read the first edition of the new ILP newsletter. (Nov 2, 99)
- Projects page: List of Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning projects maintained by Willi Kloesgen
- Computational Intelligence in User Modeling: Workshop at University of Bristol, UK.
- Telecom Data 99: Conference for Data Mining and Data Warehousing for Telecommunications
- Special issue: E-Commerce and Data Mining, International Journal Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
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