Clicking the '' button submits the data entered into the formular and generates a new dataset entry in the database (even if there already exists a dataset with the same name, category, etc.).
Availability of the system (commercial, freeware, shareware, etc).
(not yet available)
Description of the software. This text has no length restrictions and can contain html code.
Contact person(s)
Select one or more contact persons for the software from the displayed list. To add yourself or a co-worker to this list of persons, go to the persons-page and select the add-button there. To select more than one person from the list, select the first entry like usual, then hold down the ctrl-key (ths may vary of operating systems and languages, see below) and select the other contact persons by doing a (left-) mouse-button click on their entry in the list. As this "multiple selection" varies over different operating systems, languages, and hardware configurations, you should refer to your operating system´s manual for "mulitple selections" or "multiple selection in list-boxes" in case the described procedure does not work.
You can try out selecting in the example on the righthand side!
Internet (ftp) address of the software. For non-ftp access see "www".
Please provide the corresponding protocol-prefix ´ftp://´ when specifying the address.
Last update
The date of the last update is automatically computed, and does not have to be provided by the user.
Abbrevation of the software's name.
Your software's full name.
Platforms the software is running on (e.g. Windows95/98/NT, Linux, Solaris, ...) or respectively the language the source code is written in (Java, Ansi-C, ...)
Related group(s)
Select the group(s) that is(are) responsible for the software from the displayed list. A short description on how to select more than one entry in a list box is given under the help message for "contact person" above.
You can try out selecting in the example on the righthand side!
Clicking the '' button clears all fields in the form.
Send confirmation e-mail to:
To verify the validity of your addition or update, you have to provide an e-mail address to which a short confirmation mail is send. A copy of this is also mailed to the MLnet OiS administrator in order to be able to check the contribution.
Clicking the '' button submits the data entered into the form and updates the existing entry of the software.
Internet (http) address of the software. For ftp-access see "ftp".
Please provide the corresponding protocol-prefix ´http://´, ´gopher://´, ´mailto:´ when specifying the address.