| Postdoctoral Position available at UCLA:. Machine Learning/Data Mining/Bioinformatics/Microarray Data
Postdoctoral position in machine learning/bioinformatics offered by Steve Horvath and the Array Data Analysis Group (http://www.genetics.ucla.edu/horvathlab/adag.htm) at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Some keywords that describe our research interests are: 1) data mining/statistical learning theory: ensemble methods,random forest predictors, decision trees, cluster analysis, 2) DNA and tissue microarray data 3) family based allelic association studies If interested we would train you in the statistical analysis of microarray data. The main aim of the position is methodological research. Competitive salary and benefits are available.
| Please e-mail your resume, a description of your research interests, and names of 2 references to: Steve Horvath (http://www.ph.ucla.edu/biostat/people/horvath.htm) E-mail: [email protected], subject heading: Postdoc position Regular mail: University of California Department of Human Genetics UCLA School of Medicine Gonda Neuroscience and Genetics Research Center 695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Mail Code 708822 Los Angeles, CA 90095-7088, USA