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| Name (abbrev) | Name (full) | Category | Last update |
| Spatial Layout Data | | Miscellaneous | b D, Y |

| Application domain | Further specifications |
| Spatial Layout Data for GKS System | data + background knowledge |

| Type | Format | Complexity |
| ILP | Prolog | 174 positive and 214 negative examples, 1500 clauses of background knowledge |

| WWW / FTP | |
| ftp://mizo01.ia.noda.sut.ac.jp/incoming/Floor_data.tar

| Contact person(s) | Related group(s) | Optional contact address |
| | | {mizo,ohwada}@ia.noda.sut.ac.jp |

| References |
| Mizoguchi, Fumio and Ohwada, Hayato (1995) "Using Inductive Logic Programming for Constraint Acquisition in Constraint-based Problem Solving" Proceedings of the ILP Conference, K.U. Leuven 1995, pp. 297-322

| Annotations |
| The examples provide symbolic and numerical information about spatial layout of Japanese houses, e.g. position and size of different rooms, their spatial relations or the total size of the house. There are two types of background knowledge - one of them allows to transform the numerical information into a qualitative form. The goal is to induce rules which can be regarded as constrained clauses containing both symbolic and numerical information, e.g. "If the space X is in the interval [Value1,Value2], it is concluded with the likelihood P% that the living room is adjacent to the dining room." This dataset has been generated to test GKS [MizoFumOhw95]: an ILP system for induction of constraint logic programs.
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