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  Jan 24th, 2006Update
up arrowDetails1) University of Alberta, Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning; 2) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 3) Sentient Machine Research; 4) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 5) Sentient Machine Research 

data available

data available

 Feb 20th, 2004Update
 DetailsNavy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group 

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 Jun 28th, 2004Update
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  Jul 7th, 2006Update
 Details1) ; 2) Corona Space Surveillance Centre, Corona Space Surveillance Cnetre 

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  Nov 2nd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsMr. Ari WidodoDenso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory 

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 Jul 19th, 2002Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Agnar AamodtNorwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science 

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data available

 Jul 19th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailshacker aasunshine aasunshine1) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 2) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 3) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 4) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 5) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 6) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 7) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 8) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 9) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 10) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 11) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 12) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 13) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 14) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 15) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 16) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 17) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 18) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 19) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 20) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 21) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 22) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 23) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 24) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 25) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 26) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 27) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 28) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 29) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 30) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 31) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 32) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 33) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 34) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 35) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 36) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 37) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 38) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 39) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 40) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 41) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 42) Epistemics; 43) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 44) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 45) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 46) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 47) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 48) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 49) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 50) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 51) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 52) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 53) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 54) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 55) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 56) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 57) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 58) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 59) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 60) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 61) University of Houston, Computer Science; 62) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 63) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 64) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 65) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 66) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 67) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 68) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 69) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 70) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 71) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 72) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 73) The Robert Gordon University; 74) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 75) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 76) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 77) UReason, UReason; 78) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 79) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 80) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 81) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 82) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 83) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 84) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 85) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 86) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 87) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 88) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 89) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 90) t; 91) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 92) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 93) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 94) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 95) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 96) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 97) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 98) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 99) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 100) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 101) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 102) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 103) Sentient Machine Research; 104) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 105) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 106) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 107) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 108) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 109) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 110) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 111) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 112) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 113) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 114) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 115) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 116) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 117) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 118) AT&T Labs Research; 119) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 120) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 121) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 122) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 123) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 124) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 125) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 126) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 127) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 128) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 129) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 130) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 131) CognIT a.s.; 132) Sentient Machine Research; 133) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 134) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 135) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 136) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 137) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 138) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 139) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 140) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 141) Sentient, Sentient; 142) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 143) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 144) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 145) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 146) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 147) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 148) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 149) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 150) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 151) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 152) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial 

data available

  Aug 2nd, 2005Update
 Detailshacker aasunshine aasunshine1) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 2) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 3) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 4) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 5) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 6) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 7) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 8) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 9) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 10) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 11) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 12) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 13) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 14) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 15) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 16) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 17) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 18) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 19) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 20) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 21) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 22) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 23) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 24) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 25) University of Houston, Computer Science; 26) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 27) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 28) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 29) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 30) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 31) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 32) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 33) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 34) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 35) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 36) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 37) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 38) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 39) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 40) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 41) The Robert Gordon University; 42) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 43) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 44) UReason, UReason; 45) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 46) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 47) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 48) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 49) Epistemics; 50) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 51) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 52) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 53) t; 54) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 55) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 56) CognIT a.s.; 57) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 58) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 59) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 60) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 61) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 62) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 63) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 64) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 65) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 66) Sentient Machine Research; 67) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 68) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 69) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 70) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 71) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 72) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 73) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 74) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 75) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 76) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 77) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 78) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 79) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 80) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 81) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 82) AT&T Labs Research; 83) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 84) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 85) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 86) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 87) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 88) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 89) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 90) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 91) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 92) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 93) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 94) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 95) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 96) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 97) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 98) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 99) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 100) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 101) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 102) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 103) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 104) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 105) Sentient, Sentient; 106) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 107) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 108) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 109) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 110) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 111) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 112) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 113) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 114) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 115) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 116) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 117) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 118) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 119) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 120) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 121) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 122) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 123) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 124) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 125) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 126) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 127) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 128) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 129) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 130) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 131) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 132) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 133) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 134) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 135) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 136) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 137) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 138) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 139) Sentient Machine Research; 140) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 141) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 142) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 143) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 144) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 145) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 146) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 147) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 148) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 149) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 150) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 151) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 152) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science 

data available

  Aug 2nd, 2005Update
up arrowDetailshacker aasunshine aasunshine1) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 2) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 3) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 4) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 5) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 6) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 7) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 8) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 9) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 10) University of Houston, Computer Science; 11) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 12) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 13) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 14) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 15) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 16) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 17) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 18) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 19) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 20) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 21) The Robert Gordon University; 22) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 23) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 24) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 25) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 26) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 27) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 28) UReason, UReason; 29) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 30) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 31) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 32) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 33) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 34) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 35) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 36) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 37) t; 38) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 39) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 40) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 41) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 42) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 43) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 44) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 45) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 46) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 47) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 48) Sentient Machine Research; 49) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 50) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 51) Sentient Machine Research; 52) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 53) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 54) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 55) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 56) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 57) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 58) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 59) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 60) CognIT a.s.; 61) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 62) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 63) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 64) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 65) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 66) AT&T Labs Research; 67) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 68) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 69) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 70) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 71) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 72) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 73) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 74) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 75) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 76) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 77) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 78) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 79) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 80) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 81) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 82) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 83) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 84) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 85) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 86) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 87) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 88) Sentient, Sentient; 89) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 90) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 91) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 92) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 93) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 94) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 95) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 96) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 97) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 98) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 99) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 100) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 101) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 102) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 103) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 104) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 105) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 106) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 107) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 108) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 109) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 110) Epistemics; 111) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 112) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 113) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 114) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 115) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 116) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 117) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 118) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 119) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 120) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 121) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 122) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 123) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 124) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 125) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 126) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 127) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 128) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 129) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 130) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 131) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 132) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 133) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 134) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 135) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 136) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 137) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 138) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 139) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 140) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 141) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 142) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 143) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 144) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 145) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 146) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 147) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 148) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 149) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 150) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 151) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 152) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems 

data available

  Aug 2nd, 2005Update
 Detailshacker aasunshine aasunshine1) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 2) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 3) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 4) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 5) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 6) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 7) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 8) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 9) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 10) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 11) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 12) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 13) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 14) Sentient Machine Research; 15) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 16) Sentient Machine Research; 17) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 18) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 19) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 20) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 21) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 22) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 23) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 24) AT&T Labs Research; 25) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 26) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 27) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 28) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 29) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 30) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 31) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 32) CognIT a.s.; 33) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 34) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 35) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 36) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 37) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 38) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 39) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 40) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 41) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 42) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 43) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 44) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 45) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 46) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 47) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 48) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 49) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 50) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 51) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 52) Sentient, Sentient; 53) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 54) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 55) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 56) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 57) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 58) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 59) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 60) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 61) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 62) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 63) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 64) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 65) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 66) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 67) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 68) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 69) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 70) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 71) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 72) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 73) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 74) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 75) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 76) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 77) Epistemics; 78) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 79) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 80) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 81) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 82) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 83) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 84) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 85) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 86) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 87) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 88) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 89) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 90) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 91) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 92) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 93) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 94) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 95) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 96) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 97) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 98) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 99) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 100) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 101) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 102) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 103) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 104) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 105) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 106) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 107) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 108) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 109) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 110) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 111) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 112) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 113) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 114) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 115) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 116) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 117) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 118) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 119) University of Houston, Computer Science; 120) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 121) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 122) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 123) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 124) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 125) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 126) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 127) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 128) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 129) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 130) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 131) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 132) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 133) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 134) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 135) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 136) The Robert Gordon University; 137) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 138) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 139) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 140) UReason, UReason; 141) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 142) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 143) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 144) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 145) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 146) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 147) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 148) t; 149) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 150) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 151) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 152) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group 

data available

  Aug 7th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsBehrouz Abdali 

data available

  Aug 9th, 2003Update
 DetailsDr. Hidenao Abe 

data available

  Nov 8th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Janos Abonyi 

data available

  Sep 20th, 2003Update
 Detailsarnfc thpvedngf abqtkd dpvembf abqtkd dpvembfSefany    Aug 4th, 2006Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr Ajith Abraham 

data available

  Jan 25th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsPieter AdriaansPerot Systems Nederland B.V. 

data available

  Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Nuria AgellTechnical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group 

data available

  Mar 2nd, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Gennady AgreBulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies 

data available

  Nov 11th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Jesus S. Aguilar-RuizUniversity of Seville, Machine Learning Group 

data available

  Nov 9th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsejzqbgplu txghriqu aiqvcxmgy lxuazgdmj aiqvcxmgy lxuazgdmj    Jun 16th, 2006Update
 DetailsPedro AlmeidaUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática 

data available

  Feb 10th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Bjørn AlsbergUniversity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology 

data available

  Apr 22nd, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Bjørn AlsbergUniversity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology 

data available

  Dec 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsAlexessander AlvesUniversidade do Porto, LIACC 

data available

  May 3rd, 2005Update
 DetailsMr. M.FATIH AMASYALI    May 19th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsMr. Sarabjot Singh Anand1) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 2) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics 

data available

  Feb 22nd, 2000Update
 DetailsFounder, Managing Partner Tom Anderson 

data available

  Feb 21st, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Peter AndreaeVictoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences 

data available

  May 11th, 2005Update
 DetailsDr. Natalia Andrienko1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) 

data available

  Nov 17th, 1999Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr. Gennady Andrienko1) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) 

data available

  Nov 17th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Ion AndroutsopoulosNCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications 

data available

data available

 Nov 24th, 2005Update
 DetailsCecilio AnguloTechnical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group 

data available

  Mar 7th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsMr. Shahram Ariafar 

data available

  Dec 20th, 2005Update
 DetailsMr Shahram Ariafar 

data available

  Oct 7th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsEva ArmengolConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial 

data available

  Oct 11th, 1999Update
 DetailsPaolo AvesaniIstituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC 

data available

  May 11th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsPaolo AvesaniIstituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC 

data available

  Nov 9th, 2000Update
 Detailstohr waznhsptu avhusel zlaprje avhusel zlaprje    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsSemanticWeb Reyhan Aydogab 

data available

  Nov 29th, 2005Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Marc AyelUniversité de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence 

data available

  Jan 31st, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Francisco Azuaje 

data available

  Mar 10th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Javier BéjarTechnical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group 

data available

  Jun 5th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Antonio BahamondeUniversidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre 

data available

  Jun 7th, 2002Update

data available

  Jun 21st, 2005Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsProf. Soumya Banerjee 

data available

  Jun 8th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsJose Augusto BaranauskasUniversity of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory 

data available

  Jan 17th, 2005Update
 DetailsMr. Rajendrakumar Barhate 

data available

  Sep 6th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsResearch Asistant, M.Ozgur BAYKAL 

data available

  Nov 20th, 2002Update
 DetailsResearch Asistant, M.Ozgur BAYKAL 

data available

  Jul 9th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsPhD Riccardo BellazziUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica 

data available

  Dec 14th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Samy BengioInstitut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group 

data available

  Jul 27th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsRichard BenjaminsUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics 

data available

  Nov 23rd, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Hilan BENSUSAN1) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 2) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group 

data available

  May 24th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsPhD Carlos BentoUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática 

data available

  Mar 19th, 2001Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Ralph BergmannUniversität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems 

data available

  May 12th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsPetr BerkaUniversity of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems 

data available

data available

 Apr 4th, 2000Update
 DetailsPascal BeysUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics 

data available

  Nov 23rd, 1999Update

data available

  Mar 9th, 2006Update
 DetailsMs Maumita Bhattacharya 

data available

  Jul 11th, 2005Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailsgwodiqfex nwzgtul bkyu vcmsoyeru bkyu vcmsoyeruSefany    Aug 5th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsgwodiqfex nwzgtul bkyu vcmsoyeru bkyu vcmsoyeruSefany    Aug 5th, 2006Update
 Detailsgwodiqfex nwzgtul bkyu vcmsoyeru bkyu vcmsoyeruSefany    Aug 5th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Michaela Black 

data available

  Jan 22nd, 2004Update
 DetailsEnrico BlanzieriSoftware Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology 

data available

  Sep 26th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsdr. ir. Hendrik BlockeelKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science 

data available

  Nov 17th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Edward Blurock 

data available

  Aug 9th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Ulrich BodenhoferSoftware Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology 

data available

  Oct 2nd, 2001Update
 DetailsProf. Gianluca BontempiUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA 

data available

  Mar 20th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Endre BorosRutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research 

data available

  Feb 26th, 2000Update
 DetailsCory Boston 

data available

  Dec 28th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsHenrik BoströmStockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group 

data available

  Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsOlivier Bousquet 

data available

  Jan 25th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Max Bramer 

data available

  Aug 7th, 2001Update
 DetailsIvan BratkoUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science 

data available

  Nov 21st, 1999Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsPavel BrazdilUniversidade do Porto, LIACC    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsNicolas BredècheUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Mar 14th, 2001Update
 DetailsBert BredewegUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Nov 23rd, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsM. Laurent BretonUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Mar 14th, 2001Update
 DetailsSystems Engineer Carlos Alberto Brewer Ramos 

data available

  Jul 2nd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Tom BrijsLimburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling  

data available

 Feb 27th, 2003Update
 DetailsMr. Peter Bruce 

data available

  May 9th, 2003Update
up Maurice BruynoogheKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Jan 17th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr C.H. BryantThe Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group    Feb 20th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsPhD student Olivier BuffetLaboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles    Jun 30th, 2003Update
 DetailsMr Richard Button    May 11th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsglyrzh ztnjucabx bvnkgth vqpmkuhe bvnkgth vqpmkuhe    Jun 16th, 2006Update
 DetailsEngineer rui camachoUniversidade do Porto, LIACC    Sep 29th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsdr colin campbellUniversity of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group    Mar 19th, 2001Update
 DetailsAmilcar CardosoUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática    May 6th, 2001Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsClaudio CarpinetoFondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group    Mar 29th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsMr. Shane Carr    Feb 17th, 2004Update
 DetailsJörg CassensNorwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science    Sep 6th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsGladys CastilloUniversidade do Porto, LIACC    May 25th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Andreu CatalàTechnical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group    Mar 2nd, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr Gavin CawleyUniversity of East Anglia, School of Information Systems 

data available

  Oct 16th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr Alejandro H CeccattoInstitute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks    Jan 8th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsJesus CerquidesUBS-AG, Ubilab    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsNicolò Cesa-Bianchi    Feb 18th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Stephan Chalup    Feb 3rd, 2005Update
 DetailsDr Eleni CharouNCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications  

data available

 Nov 9th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsMrs Adriana Chaves    May 19th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Nitesh Chawla    Dec 9th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsPeter CheesemanNASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group    Sep 7th, 1999Update
 DetailsProfessor Mu-Chen Chen    Jan 25th, 2004Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsPHD student Kejia ChenNanjing University, LAMDA    Apr 28th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsPhD Yann ChevaleyreUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Mar 19th, 2001Update
 DetailsDr Stefan W. Christensen    May 6th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsKrzysztof CiosUniversity of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory 

data available

  Oct 25th, 2000Update
 DetailsS.M. ClaassenSTALEMATE, KDD Lab    Feb 19th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Guillaume CLEUZIOU1) ; 2) Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning    Jan 26th, 2006Update
 DetailsDrs. Filip CoenenLimburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling    Dec 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. George CoghillUniversity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology    Aug 21st, 2001Update
 DetailsMr Ronan CollobertInstitut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group 

data available

  Jul 26th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Lu Congde    Jan 11th, 2005Update
 DetailsDr. Diane Cook1) ; 2) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group    Mar 26th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Vincent CorrubleUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    May 29th, 2002Update
 DetailsDR Ulises CortésTechnical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group    Oct 15th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsDr Fabrizio Costa    Jul 11th, 2002Update
 DetailsErnesto CostaUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática    Jan 27th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailsassociate professor Francesca CostabileUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine    Dec 20th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsMélanie COURTINEUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Mar 19th, 2001Update
 DetailsNello CristianiniBristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University    Dec 14th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsSven F. CroneLancaster University, Centre for Forecasting    Nov 19th, 2004Update
 DetailsSzepesvari CsabaComputer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group    Aug 15th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr Edwin CurranUniversity of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics    Nov 22nd, 1999Update
 DetailsIvo DüntschUniversity of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics 

data available

  Dec 14th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Dr. Walter DaelemansUniversiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group    Sep 1st, 2000Update
 DetailsCortes Daniel    Aug 4th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Ivanoe De FalcoInstitute for High Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy, Complex Systems Research Group    Feb 21st, 2006Update
 DetailsColin de la Higuera    Oct 4th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Dr. Luc de RaedtAlbert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik 

data available

  Dec 15th, 1999Update
 Detailsdr. Luc DehaspeKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science 

data available

  Nov 17th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr Antonio Della CioppaInstitute for High Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy, Complex Systems Research Group    Jun 10th, 2005Update
 DetailsUgur Demiryurek    Jan 22nd, 2006Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsJanez DemsarUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Oct 22nd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsTara Denny    Apr 21st, 2003Update
 DetailsPhD Nicola Di MauroUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine    Nov 16th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Dr. Joachim Diederich    Jan 8th, 2001Update
 DetailsMr. Mariano Dilascio    Apr 19th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsRe-Mark Poker Allen DillenStudio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications    Nov 17th, 2005Update
 DetailsProfessor Marco DorigoUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA    Feb 22nd, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsdr. ir. Kurt DriessensUniversity of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group    Dec 8th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Mario Drobics1) ; 2) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology 

data available

  Sep 20th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsAirToolsStore Borgo Drogkat    Oct 19th, 2005Update
 DetailsProf Wlodzislaw DuchNicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods    Mar 20th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsPostOR poker club poker club DudikoffStudio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications    Nov 17th, 2005Update
 DetailsAlain DutechLaboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles    Jun 30th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsSaso DzeroskiJozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems  

data available

 Aug 12th, 1999Update
 Detailswvepaj iujzvgp ebtal urbm ebtal urbm    Jun 16th, 2006Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr. Roland Eilsphase-it intelligent solutions AG 

data available

  Dec 7th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsbnagrudqk zrlo eivyl ihpcfb eivyl ihpcfb    Jun 16th, 2006Update
 DetailsMohamed El-Tayeh    Aug 23rd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsTapio ElomaaUniversity of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science    Sep 20th, 1999Update
 DetailsRobert EngelsCognIT a.s.    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsSeyda Ertekin    Nov 15th, 2005Update
 Detailsfull professor Floriana EspositoUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine    Jan 17th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Matthieu EXBRAYATLaboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning    Jan 26th, 2006Update
 DetailsJohannes FürnkranzAustrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group    Sep 20th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Nicola FanizziUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine 

data available

  Mar 13th, 2001Update
 Detailsahmad ahmad farooq    Sep 15th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDieter Fensel    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsPhD student Stefano FerilliUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine 

data available

  Dec 20th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsCésar FerriDepartment of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group    May 18th, 2001Update
 Detailsckrbjsoup hcpxtrf fexnca crhqfe fexnca crhqfeSefany    Aug 6th, 2006Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsMr Gavin Fischer 

data available

  Feb 5th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsPeter FlachUniversity of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group 

data available

  Sep 27th, 1999Update
 DetailsEibe Frank1) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 2) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group    Oct 21st, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Paolo Frasconi    May 23rd, 2001Update
 DetailsMr. Shun Kai FuEcole Polytechnique of Montreal    Dec 2nd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr John Funge    Jun 15th, 2006Update
 DetailsDr Peter FunkDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group    Jan 30th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsPedro GagoUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática    Feb 7th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr Pedro GalindoUniversidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems)    May 2nd, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsJoao GamaUniversidade do Porto, LIACC    Sep 29th, 1999Update
 DetailsProf Jean-Gabriel GanasciaUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Mar 14th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Eng. Lun Shan GAOUniversity of Portsmouth, UK, Artificial Intelligence research group    Mar 13th, 2002Update
 DetailsProf Junbin GAOGeorge Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory    Sep 26th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Simon GarrettUniversity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology    Dec 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Marco GazzaCentro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management    Jul 14th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsPeter GeibelTechnische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group    Sep 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsMr. Xin GengNanjing University, LAMDA    Jun 28th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Zoubin GhahramaniUniversity College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit    Oct 9th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Andrew Gleibman 

data available

  Apr 4th, 2005Update
 DetailsDr. Lev Goldfarb    Apr 16th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsPaulo GomesUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática    Jan 28th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr. Jose C. GonzalezDAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A. 

data available

  Oct 27th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Pablo M. GranittoInstitute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks    Jan 8th, 2003Update
 DetailsGunter Grieser    May 18th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsxjsioda ilbqg gsciyj qjipt gsciyj qjipt    Jun 16th, 2006Update
 DetailsDr Tibor GyimothyUniversity of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence    Jan 7th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Lars Haendel 

data available

  Oct 22nd, 2003Update
 DetailsPhD Student GholamReza Haffari    Jan 7th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Mark HallUniversity of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group    May 10th, 2003Update
 DetailsDr. Xiwu Han    Feb 22nd, 2005Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsHelen Hassel    Jan 26th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Jose Hernandez-OralloDepartment of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group 

data available

  May 8th, 2001Update
 DetailsMr. Ray HickeyUniversity of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics    Nov 10th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProf., Ph.D., D.Sc. Zdzislaw S. Hippe    Jan 3rd, 2003Update
 DetailsHaym HirshRutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group    Sep 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsSusanne HocheOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science    Sep 25th, 2000Update
 DetailsThomas Hofmann    Apr 17th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Lawrence Holder1) ; 2) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group    Mar 26th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr. Dawn Holmes    Jul 27th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Geoffrey Holmes 

data available

  Oct 21st, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Harald HolzGerman Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab    May 25th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsProfessor Vasant Honavar1) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 2)     Oct 2nd, 2004Update
 DetailsJohn HoolihanNewmeric Systems Inc., Newmeric Systems Inc. 

data available

  Jun 25th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsTamas Horvath1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) 

data available

  Jun 27th, 1999Update
 DetailsAndreas HothoUniversität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB    Feb 22nd, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr Mark Howell    Mar 29th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsMr Jimmy Hunter    Mar 19th, 2001Update
 Detailsonhvuba ynbldk hvtqxj meajonul hvtqxj meajonul    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Aniello Iazzetta  

data available

 Jan 20th, 2000Update
 DetailsIñaki InzaComputer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group    Mar 30th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsJiri IvanekUniversity of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems    Apr 4th, 2000Update
 DetailsNico JacobsKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Nov 17th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Laurence Jacobs    Jul 7th, 2001Update
 DetailsFrancois Jacquenet 

data available

  Oct 10th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsAleks JakulinUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Jun 15th, 2005Update
 DetailsPhD Atif Jamal    Jan 28th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsMachiel JansenUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Nov 23rd, 1999Update
 Detailshacker JAPHspam JAPHspam1) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 2) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 3) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 4) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 5) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 6) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 7) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 8) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 9) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 10) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 11) Sentient, Sentient; 12) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 13) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 14) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 15) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 16) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 17) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 18) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 19) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 20) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 21) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 22) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 23) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 24) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 25) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 26) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 27) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 28) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 29) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 30) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 31) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 32) Sentient Machine Research; 33) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 34) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 35) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 36) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 37) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 38) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 39) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 40) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 41) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 42) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 43) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 44) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 45) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 46) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 47) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 48) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 49) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 50) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 51) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 52) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 53) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 54) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 55) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 56) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 57) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 58) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 59) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 60) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 61) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 62) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 63) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 64) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 65) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 66) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 67) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 68) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 69) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 70) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 71) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 72) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 73) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 74) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 75) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 76) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 77) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 78) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 79) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 80) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 81) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 82) University of Houston, Computer Science; 83) UReason, UReason; 84) ; 85) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 86) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 87) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 88) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 89) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 90) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 91) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 92) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 93) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 94) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 95) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 96) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 97) Epistemics; 98) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 99) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 100) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 101) The Robert Gordon University; 102) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 103) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 104) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 105) CognIT a.s.; 106) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 107) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 108) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 109) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 110) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 111) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 112) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 113) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 114) t; 115) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 116) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 117) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 118) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 119) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 120) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 121) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 122) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 123) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 124) Sentient Machine Research; 125) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 126) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 127) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 128) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 129) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 130) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 131) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 132) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 133) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 134) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 135) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 136) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 137) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 138) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 139) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 140) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 141) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 142) AT&T Labs Research; 143) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 144) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 145) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 146) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 147) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 148) Google, Google Labs; 149) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 150) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 151) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 152) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 153) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 154) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management    Aug 24th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailshacker JAPHspam JAPHspam1) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 2) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 3) AT&T Labs Research; 4) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 5) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 6) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 7) Sentient Machine Research; 8) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 9) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 10) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 11) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 12) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 13) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 14) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 15) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 16) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 17) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 18) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 19) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 20) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 21) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 22) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 23) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 24) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 25) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 26) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 27) Google, Google Labs; 28) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 29) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 30) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 31) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 32) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 33) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 34) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 35) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 36) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 37) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 38) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 39) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 40) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 41) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 42) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 43) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 44) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 45) Sentient, Sentient; 46) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 47) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 48) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 49) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 50) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 51) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 52) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 53) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 54) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 55) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 56) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 57) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 58) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 59) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 60) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 61) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 62) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 63) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 64) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 65) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 66) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 67) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 68) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 69) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 70) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 71) Sentient Machine Research; 72) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 73) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 74) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 75) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 76) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 77) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 78) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 79) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 80) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 81) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 82) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 83) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 84) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 85) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 86) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 87) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 88) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 89) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 90) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 91) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 92) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 93) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 94) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 95) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 96) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 97) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 98) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 99) University of Houston, Computer Science; 100) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 101) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 102) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 103) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 104) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 105) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 106) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 107) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 108) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 109) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 110) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 111) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 112) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 113) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 114) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 115) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 116) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 117) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 118) UReason, UReason; 119) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 120) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 121) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 122) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 123) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 124) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 125) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 126) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 127) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 128) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 129) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 130) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 131) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 132) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 133) Epistemics; 134) The Robert Gordon University; 135) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 136) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 137) CognIT a.s.; 138) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 139) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 140) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 141) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 142) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 143) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 144) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 145) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 146) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 147) t; 148) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 149) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 150) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 151) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 152) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 153) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems 

data available

  Aug 25th, 2005Update
 Detailshacker JAPHspam JAPHspam1) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 2) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 3) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 4) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 5) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 6) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 7) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 8) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 9) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 10) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 11) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 12) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 13) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 14) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 15) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 16) University of Houston, Computer Science; 17) Anderson Analytics, LLC, Anderson Analytics; 18) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 19) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 20) CognIT a.s.; 21) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 22) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 23) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 24) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 25) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 26) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 27) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 28) Corona Space Surveillance Centre, Corona Space Surveillance Cnetre; 29) The Robert Gordon University; 30) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 31) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 32) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 33) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 34) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 35) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 36) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 37) University of Alberta, Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning; 38) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 39) UReason, UReason; 40) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 41) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 42) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 43) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 44) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 45) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 46) Sentient Machine Research; 47) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 48) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 49) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 50) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 51) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 52) t; 53) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 54) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 55) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 56) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 57) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 58) Sentient Machine Research; 59) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 60) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 61) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 62) Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy, Complex Systems Research Group; 63) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 64) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 65) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 66) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 67) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 68) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 69) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 70) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 71) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 72) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 73) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 74) Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning; 75) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 76) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 77) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 78) AT&T Labs Research; 79) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 80) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 81) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 82) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 83) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 84) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 85) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 86) AirToolsStore, Drogka; 87) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 88) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 89) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 90) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 91) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 92) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 93) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 94) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 95) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 96) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 97) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 98) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 99) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 100) Sentient, Sentient; 101) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 102) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 103) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 104) Google, Google Labs; 105) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 106) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 107) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 108) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 109) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 110) Epistemics; 111) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 112) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 113) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 114) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 115) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 116) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 117) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 118) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 119) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 120) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 121) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 122) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 123) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 124) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 125) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 126) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 127) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 128) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 129) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 130) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 131) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 132) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 133) ; 134) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 135) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 136) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 137) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 138) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 139) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 140) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 141) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 142) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 143) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 144) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 145) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 146) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 147) Newmeric Systems Inc., Newmeric Systems Inc.; 148) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 149) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 150) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 151) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 152) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 153) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 154) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 155) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 156) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 157) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 158) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 159) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 160) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 161) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory    Mar 15th, 2006Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailshacker JAPHspam JAPHspam1) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 2) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 3) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 4) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 5) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 6) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 7) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 8) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 9) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 10) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 11) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 12) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 13) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 14) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 15) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 16) Epistemics; 17) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 18) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 19) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 20) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 21) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 22) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 23) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 24) Corona Space Surveillance Centre, Corona Space Surveillance Cnetre; 25) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 26) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 27) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 28) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 29) Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning; 30) Newmeric Systems Inc., Newmeric Systems Inc.; 31) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 32) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 33) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 34) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 35) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 36) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 37) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 38) Sentient, Sentient; 39) AT&T Labs Research; 40) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 41) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 42) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 43) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 44) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 45) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 46) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 47) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 48) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 49) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 50) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 51) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 52) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 53) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 54) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 55) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 56) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 57) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 58) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 59) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 60) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 61) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 62) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 63) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 64) Google, Google Labs; 65) University of Houston, Computer Science; 66) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 67) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 68) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 69) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 70) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 71) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 72) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 73) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 74) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 75) CognIT a.s.; 76) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 77) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 78) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 79) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 80) Anderson Analytics, LLC, Anderson Analytics; 81) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 82) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 83) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 84) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 85) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 86) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 87) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 88) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 89) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 90) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 91) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 92) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 93) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 94) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 95) t; 96) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 97) University of Alberta, Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning; 98) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 99) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 100) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 101) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 102) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 103) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 104) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 105) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 106) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 107) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 108) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 109) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 110) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 111) Sentient Machine Research; 112) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 113) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 114) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 115) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 116) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 117) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 118) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 119) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 120) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 121) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 122) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 123) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 124) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 125) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 126) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 127) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 128) The Robert Gordon University; 129) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 130) AirToolsStore, Drogka; 131) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 132) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 133) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 134) Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy, Complex Systems Research Group; 135) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 136) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 137) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 138) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 139) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 140) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 141) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 142) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 143) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 144) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 145) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 146) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 147) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 148) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 149) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 150) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 151) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 152) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 153) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 154) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 155) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 156) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 157) Sentient Machine Research; 158) UReason, UReason; 159) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 160) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science    Mar 9th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailshacker JAPHspam JAPHspam1) Lancaster University, Centre for Forecasting; 2) Università degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine; 3) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 4) Epistemics; 5) Rutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group; 6) University of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa; 7) Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality; 8) University of York, Department of Computer Science; 9) International Association for Development of the Information Society; 10) University of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science; 11) Universidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática; 12) Navy Center for Applied Research in AI, Naval Research Lab, Adaptive Systems Group; 13) Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy, Complex Systems Research Group; 14) The University of Ulster Faculty of Informatics, The Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 15) Stockholm University/Royal Institute of Technology/Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences, Machine Learning Group; 16) , Digital Signal Processing Group; 17) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 18) Northwestern University, Institute for the Learning Sciences; 19) Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning; 20) University of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory; 21) DaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology; 22) China Institute of Data Mining, China Institute of Data Mining; 23) Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique; 24) The University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group; 25) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University; 26) Columbia University, Center for Computational Learning Systems; 27) Forschungszentrum Informatik, Wissensmanagement; 28) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre; 29) STALEMATE, KDD Lab; 30) Universität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems; 31) Iowa State University, Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University; 32) Universität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB; 33) University College London, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit; 34) Perot Systems Nederland B.V.; 35) Universidad de Cadiz, Sistemas Inteligentes de Computacion (Computing Intelligent Systems); 36) Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science; 37) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science; 38) University of Houston, Computer Science; 39) University of Colorado at Denver, Intelligent Systems Laboratory; 40) Università del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate; 41) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 42) Ghent University, Machine Learning Research Group; 43) Well Rounded Software, Inc.; 44) Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management; 45) Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab; 46) Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal; 47) International University in Germnany, Computational Intelligence; 48) Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics; 49) University of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems; 50) Royal Holloway, University of London, Royal Holloway - Learning Theory Group; 51) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science; 52) Technical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group; 53) Rutgers University, Rutgers Center for Operations Research; 54) University of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics; 55) The Robert Gordon University; 56) Université de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.; 57) UBS-AG, Ubilab; 58) UReason, UReason; 59) Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group; 60) Institute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks; 61) National University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute; 62) Corona Space Surveillance Centre, Corona Space Surveillance Cnetre; 63) University of East Anglia, School of Information Systems; 64) Arizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics; 65) Department of Computer Science, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Declarative Learning (Functional Logic Inductive Programming and beyond) Group; 66) Imperial College, Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory; 67) Universidade do Porto, LIACC; 68) Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group; 69) AirToolsStore, Drogka; 70) t; 71) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents; 72) Athens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group; 73) University of Pittsburgh, Intelligent Systems Program; 74) Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica; 75) University of Alberta, Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning; 76) Nicholas Copernicus University, Department of Computer Methods; 77) DAEDALUS - Data, Decisions and Language, S.A.; 78) Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, Institut für Informatik; 79) Université de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence; 80) phase-it intelligent solutions AG; 81) University of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory; 82) The University of Wales, Department of Computer Science; 83) Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Evolving Transformation System Laboratory; 84) University of Szeged & HAS, Researh Gropu on Artificial Intelligence; 85) Sentient Machine Research; 86) Limburg University, Data Analysis and Modeling; 87) Poznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems; 88) Denso IT Laboratory, Denso IT Laboratory; 89) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 90) GMD FIRST, Intelligent Data Analysis; 91) Università di Firenze, Machine Learning and Neural Networks; 92) University of Waikato, WEKA Machine Learning Group; 93) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 94) University of Veszprem, Department of Process Engineering, Soft Computing group; 95) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 96) Iowa State University, Computational Intelligence, Learning, & Discovery; 97) University of Vermont, Dept. of Computer Science; 98) German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) GmbH, Knowledge Management Lab; 99) AT&T Labs Research; 100) Sentient Machine Research; 101) Universiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology; 102) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato; 103) University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology; 104) Agrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems; 105) Nanjing University, LAMDA; 106) The University of Sheffield, Machine Learning Research Group; 107) Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems; 108) University of Paisley, Applied Computational Intelligence Research Unit; 109) Victoria University of Wellington, Artificial Intelligence group, Mathematical and Computing Sciences; 110) Technical University of Catalonia & Ramon Llull University, Qualitative Reasoning and Learning Systems Research Group; 111) Humboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management; 112) CognIT a.s.; 113) Tilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics; 114) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS); 115) Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Research Group on Artificial Intelligence; 116) The University of Newcastle, Interdisciplinary Machine Learning Research Group; 117) Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots; 118) Technische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group; 119) Anderson Analytics, LLC, Anderson Analytics; 120) Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC; 121) Hong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre; 122) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence Group; 123) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network; 124) Sentient, Sentient; 125) Newmeric Systems Inc., Newmeric Systems Inc.; 126) Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group); 127) Universidad de A Coruna, Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Artificial; 128) Google, Google Labs; 129) Shanghai University, learning and vision; 130) Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Information Systems Group; 131) Universidad de Oviedo at Gijón, Machine Learning Group. Artificial Intelligence Centre; 132) Studio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications; 133) Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interfaces Group; 134) Institut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group; 135) University of Auckland Dept. of Computer Science, AI-CBR; 136) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial; 137) George Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory; 138) Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Area for Knowledge-Based Technology; 139) Universiteit Antwerpen, Center for Dutch Language and Speech: Language Techn.Group; 140) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6; 141) Johns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group; 142) Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Learning Group, Dept. of Computer and Information Science; 143) University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science; 144) University of Seville, Machine Learning Group; 145) Laboratoire Lorrain d'Informatique et des ses Applications, MAchine Intelligente Artificielles; 146) Université Libre de Bruxelles, IRIDIA; 147) University of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group; 148) Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute; 149) University College Dublin, Department of Computer Science; 150) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group; 151) NASA Ames Research Center, Automated Learning Group; 152) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 153) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 154) The University of Birmingham, Mobile Robotics Group; 155) Univ. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS; 156) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 157) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 158) Bulgarian Academy of Science, Institute of Information Technologies; 159) Columbia University, BIOINFORMATICS; 160) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group    Mar 27th, 2006Update
 DetailsProf. Tony Jebara    Jun 5th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Yuan JiangNanjing University, LAMDA    Jun 28th, 2004Update
 DetailsRadim JirousekUniversity of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems    Apr 4th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsThorsten Joachims1) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) 

data available

  Sep 12th, 2000Update
 DetailsIstvan Jonyer1) University of Texas at Arlington, Learning and Planning Group; 2)  

data available

  Mar 24th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsAlipio JorgeUniversidade do Porto, LIACC    Sep 29th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Lionel Jouffe 

data available

  Oct 23rd, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsli ju    Mar 28th, 2003Update
 Detailslovely_kahyao lee kahyao    Jun 9th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. HILLOL KARGUPTA  

data available

 Sep 18th, 2001Update
 DetailsDr. Vangelis KarkaletsisNCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications    Jul 27th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Dmitry Kazakov 

data available

  Aug 26th, 2003Update
 DetailsDr Dimitar KazakovUniversity of York, Department of Computer Science    Aug 25th, 2004Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr. Jörg-Uwe Kietz  

data available

 Nov 19th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Jörg Kindermann1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Nov 17th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Ross KingUniversity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology    Aug 21st, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsDr Mathias KirstenFraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) 

data available

  Apr 25th, 2006Update
 DetailsAnand Kishore    Apr 20th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Willi Klösgen1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Nov 17th, 1999Update
 DetailsRalf KlinkenbergUniversität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group) 

data available

  Oct 4th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsA. KnobbePerot Systems Nederland B.V.    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsYves KodratoffUniversité de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDaphne KollerStanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots    Sep 22nd, 1999Update
 DetailsMaciej KomosinskiPoznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems    May 24th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsIgor KononenkoUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Nov 21st, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Kevin Korb    Jan 18th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsRaymondus KosalaKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Jan 17th, 2000Update
 DetailsKrzysztof KrawiecPoznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems    May 23rd, 2002Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsMatjaz KukarUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Nov 21st, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsNimit Kumar    Jan 24th, 2005Update
 DetailsGIS,GPS,Remote sensing so vinodh kumar    Dec 27th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsKnowledge Architect ponnurangam kumaraguru    Sep 11th, 2005Update
 DetailsKnowledge Architect ponnurangam kumaraguru    Dec 4th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr Lukasz Kurgan 

data available

  Nov 12th, 2003Update
 DetailsDr Nick KushmerickDepartment of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute  

data available

 Apr 16th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsNicolas Lachiche    Feb 9th, 2000Update
 DetailsTexas Holdem Table Mercredi LangerieGoogle, Google Labs    Oct 17th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsassistant professor Antonietta LanzaUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine    Dec 20th, 1999Update
 DetailsNada LavracJozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems  

data available

 Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsKyoung-Mi LeeThe University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research    Dec 31st, 2005Update
 DetailsProf. Mark LeeThe University of Wales, Department of Computer Science    Aug 21st, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsKyoung-Mi LeeThe University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research    Feb 16th, 2005Update
 DetailsProf Douglas LeithNational University of Ireland Maynooth, Hamilton Institute    Aug 22nd, 2002Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsProf. Dr. Edda LeopoldFraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Jun 1st, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsJosef Siu-wai LeungHong Kong Baptist University, Chinese Medicine Informatics Centre    Jul 30th, 1999Update
 DetailsProfessor Dr. Luoqing Li    Jun 13th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsM.Sc. Student Ming LiNanjing University, LAMDA    Jun 28th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Guo-Zheng LiShanghai University, learning and vision    Dec 17th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsThomas Liebig    Jul 10th, 2003Update
 DetailsTjen-Sien Lim 

data available

  Nov 4th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsresearch assistant Francesca Alessandra LisiUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine 

data available

  Dec 20th, 1999Update
 DetailsBing Liu    Jan 1st, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr Ailin Liu    Mar 3rd, 2003Update
 DetailsM.Sc. Student Xu-Ying LiuNanjing University, LAMDA    Jun 28th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailszsqmr meawuqpx ljpe nqmrz ljpe nqmrz    Jun 16th, 2006Update
 DetailsProfessor Wei-Yin LohUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Oct 6th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsProfessor Wei-Yin Loh 

data available

  May 11th, 2002Update
 DetailsProfessor Wei-Yin Loh 

data available

  Oct 6th, 2001Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr. Phil LongGoogle, Google Labs    Aug 30th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr Alneu de Andrade LopesUniversity of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory    Apr 18th, 2002Update
 DetailsProf Ramon Lopez de MantarasConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial    Dec 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Andras Lorincz 

data available

  Jan 13th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr Peter Lucas    Mar 7th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr Michael Madden    Aug 13th, 2002Update
 DetailsAlexander MaedcheUniversität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB    Jan 13th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsPhD Paolo MagniUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica    Dec 14th, 1999Update
 DetailsFabio MalabocchiaCentro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Research Unit Artificial Intelligence, Anti-Fraud Systems and Business Management    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Donato MalerbaUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine 

data available

  Dec 17th, 1999Update
 DetailsMr Steve MargettsDepartment of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Parallel and Scientific Computation Group    Feb 8th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Jonathan MarshallWell Rounded Software, Inc.    Jan 4th, 2005Update
 DetailsDr. Lionel MARTINLaboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning    Jan 26th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Mario Martin    Oct 29th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Michael May1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Nov 17th, 1999Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsProfessor Sally McCleanUniversity of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics    Dec 22nd, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr David McSherryUniversity of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics    Jan 14th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr. Joaquim Melendez1) ; 2) Universitat de Girona, Enginyeria de Control i Sistemes Intel.ligents    Jan 20th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr Filippo Menczer1) The University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research; 2) Indiana University, Networks and agents Network    Apr 4th, 2005Update
 DetailsEngelbert Mephu NguifoCentre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens, Apprentissage Automatique    Mar 17th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Christian Merkwirth    Jul 21st, 2005Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Ryszard S. MichalskiGeorge Mason University, Machine Learning and Inference Laboratory    Jan 19th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr Alessio MicheliUniversity of Pisa -Dipartimento di Informatica, Computational Intelligence & Machine Learning - Pisa    Sep 16th, 2004Update
 DetailsIngo MierswaUniversität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group) 

data available

  Jul 18th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Steven Minton    Feb 8th, 2003Update
 DetailsTom MitchellCarnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Learning Lab    Sep 7th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr Fraser Mitchell    Mar 1st, 2000Update
 DetailsStefania MontaniUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica    Dec 14th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsJason Moore 

data available

  Nov 26th, 2005Update
 DetailsPhD Vicente Moret-BonilloComputer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, Basque Country University, Intelligent Systems Group    Feb 25th, 2002Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsKatharina MorikUniversität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science, LS VIII (Artificial Intelligence Group)  

data available

 Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDc Bernard MorlayeUniversité de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence    Jan 31st, 2000Update
 DetailsMoustakiFoundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS)    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProfessor Stephen Muggleton1) ; 2) University of York, Department of Computer Science 

data available

data available

 Apr 12th, 2002Update
 DetailsBikash Mukhopadhyay    Jun 22nd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsMr Maurice MulvennaUniversity of Ulster, Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory    Nov 9th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Remi Munos    Mar 16th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsSébastien MustièreUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Jul 23rd, 2001Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Gholamreza NakhaeizadehDaimlerChrysler AG, Dept. F3S/E, Research & Technology    Apr 18th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Hugo NavoneInstitute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks    Jun 29th, 2003Update
 DetailsClaire NedellecUniversité de Paris-Sud, L.R.I.    Nov 3rd, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Hirotaka Niitsuma    Jul 28th, 2006Update
 DetailsNilsson Nils J.Stanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots    Sep 22nd, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProf Ann Nowe    Jan 19th, 2006Update
 DetailsPiyush OjhaUniversity of Ulster, School of Information and Software Engineering, Faculty of Informatics    Mar 9th, 2001Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsArlindo Oliveira    Nov 8th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsPhd student Maria Oliveira1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) 

data available

  Jul 2nd, 2004Update
 DetailsBorys Omelayenko    Sep 25th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsProf Christian Omlin 

data available

  Feb 28th, 2005Update
 DetailsJules Oudmans1) UReason, UReason; 2)  

data available

  Dec 30th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Gerhard Paaß1) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Nov 18th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Georgios Paliouras1) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 2) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society    Jul 31st, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsAthanasios Papagelis    Jul 22nd, 1999Update
 DetailsPhD student Aldo ParadisoUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine  

data available

 Dec 20th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. S. Basavaraj Patil    May 30th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr David Patterson    Oct 10th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailspenis enlargement    Apr 12th, 2006Update
 Detailspenis enlargement pills    Apr 12th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Simon Perkins    Mar 6th, 2003Update
 DetailsDr. Petra PernerUniversity of Portsmouth, UK, Artificial Intelligence research group    Sep 13th, 2001Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsPh.D. Student Georgios PetasisNCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications    Jul 26th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Leif PetersonInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers    Jul 25th, 2006Update
 DetailsJohann PetrakAustrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group    Nov 19th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsBernhard Pfahringer1) Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Mining Group; 2) University of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato    Nov 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsPetra Philips    Sep 27th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr Wieslaw Pietruszkiewicz    Nov 1st, 2005Update
 DetailsMr. Adriano PilaUniversity of São Paulo, Computacional Intelligence Laboratory    Nov 25th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsEnric PlazaConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Institut d'Investigacio en Intel.ligencia Artificial    Oct 11th, 1999Update
 DetailsProf. Luigi PortinaleUniversità del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate    Mar 26th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsPh.D George PotamiasFoundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute for Computer Science (ICS)    Dec 2nd, 2004Update
 DetailsMohammadreza pourrousta    Nov 20th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsRahul Premraj    Dec 28th, 2004Update
 Detailszgpisycq btkh prou ugje prou ugje    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsiaqn fsmtig pxyw xrilbtgu pxyw xrilbtguSefany    Aug 4th, 2006Update
 Detailsvfae ouzsxi pzmkuy xfola pzmkuy xfolaSefany    Aug 4th, 2006Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailsczrayxth akhceyl qrsoyiwnt ukspj qrsoyiwnt ukspj    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsRoss QuinlanUniversity of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group 

data available

  Sep 23rd, 1999Update
 DetailsJoël QuinquetonLaboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier, Machine Learning and Rationality    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsGunnar Raetsch  

data available

 Nov 2nd, 2005Update
 Detailsir. Stefan RaeymaekersKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Mar 21st, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsMohammad Ebrahim Rafiei    Jul 29th, 2005Update
 Detailsir. Jan RamonKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Nov 17th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsPhD Vitorino RAMOS    Nov 5th, 2003Update
 DetailsReza Rastegar    Jun 24th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsJan RauchUniversity of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems 

data available

  Apr 4th, 2000Update
 Detailswonmjre jkmleioz rclub hrvuqds rclub hrvuqdsSefany    Aug 4th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Yoram Reich    May 11th, 2005Update
 DetailsPhD Student Mark ReidUniversity of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group    Nov 22nd, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsIng. Luis Guillermo RESTREPO RIVAS    Sep 3rd, 2002Update
 DetailsStuart Reynolds    Sep 14th, 2001Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailshqnbas arulnti riasplfdj akcrx riasplfdj akcrx    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Giuseppe RiccardiAT&T Labs Research    Sep 4th, 2004Update
 DetailsFrancesco RicciIstituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Technologica, IRST-ITC    Jul 25th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailscxygloipt chbmvdn rmogqvl gtxkej rmogqvl gtxkejSefany    Aug 5th, 2006Update
 DetailsPh-D Student Bruno ROBISSONUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Jan 10th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsMarko Robnik-SikonjaUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Nov 21st, 1999Update
 DetailsPedro RodriguesUniversidade do Porto, LIACC    Jun 6th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Lior Rokach    Oct 12th, 2005Update
 DetailsDr. Lior Rokach    Oct 12th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDanny Roobaert    Sep 13th, 2001Update
 Detailsassistant professor Teresa RoselliUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine    Dec 22nd, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Celine Rouveirol    Mar 12th, 2001Update
 DetailsMr. Jem RowlandUniversity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Computational Biology    Dec 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr Miquel Sànchez-MarrèTechnical University of Catalonia., Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group    Oct 29th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Aleksander SadikovUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Oct 12th, 2005Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsYvan SaeysUniversiteit Gent, Bioinformatics Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology    Dec 2nd, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Angshuman Saha    Aug 10th, 2002Update
 DetailsDr. H Sahbi    Oct 29th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsLorenza SaittaUniversità del Piemonte Orientale "Amadeo Avogadro", Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Avanzate    Nov 4th, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Ayed SalmanInstitut Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive, Machine Learning Group    Apr 7th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsClaude SammutUniversity of New South Wales, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Machine Learning Group    Sep 23rd, 1999Update
 DetailsDr. Ramon Sangüesa    Oct 29th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Alexandr Savinov1) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Feb 1st, 2005Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Tobias SchefferHumboldt University, Berlin, Knowledge Management    Oct 24th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr Vitaly Schetinin    Jun 17th, 2005Update
 DetailsUte SchmidTechnische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group 

data available

  Sep 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsProfessor Juergen Schmidhuber    Jun 9th, 2006Update
 DetailsDr. Sascha Schmitt    Jun 16th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsGuus SchreiberUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Nov 23rd, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Alberto SegreThe University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research    Jan 18th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailsassociate professor Giovanni SemeraroUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine 

data available

  Jan 17th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsMr Biswa SenguptaUniversity of York, Department of Computer Science    Nov 13th, 2003Update
 DetailsAndrea Serafino    Jan 29th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsNigel ShadboltThe University of Nottingham, Department of Psychology, AI Group    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsVipul Sharma1) Univ. of Houston, Data Mining and Machine learning Group; 2) University of Houston, Computer Science    Feb 21st, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsDr. John SheppardJohns Hopkins University, Department of Computer Science, AI group    Jun 16th, 2004Update
 DetailsMr. Phil Sherrod 

data available

  Dec 27th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsYoav ShohamStanford University, Computer Science Department, Robotics Laboratory, Nobots    Sep 22nd, 1999Update
 DetailsDr Serhiy Shovba    Jan 6th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsBasilio Sierra    Sep 21st, 1999Update
 DetailsPh.D student George SigletosNCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications    Jul 31st, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Dr. Laurent SiklossyUniversité de Savoie, Institute for Artificial Intelligence    Jan 31st, 2000Update
 DetailsVikas Sindhwani    Dec 18th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDerek SleemanUniversity of Aberdeen, Department of Computing Science    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsProfessor Roman SlowinskiPoznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems    May 23rd, 2002Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsDr Evgueni Smirnov    Feb 26th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr Barry SmythDepartment of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Smart Media Institute    Jan 24th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr. Edgar Sommer    Mar 5th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr. emilio soria olivas    Mar 19th, 2001Update
 DetailsDr. Constantine D. Spyropoulos1) NCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications; 2) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society    Jul 17th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailseajgsox rgbejvos sqvnrb frpxocmz sqvnrb frpxocmzSefany    Aug 4th, 2006Update
 DetailsDr Ashwin Srinivasan    Jul 14th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Steffen StaabUniversität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB    Sep 11th, 2000Update
 DetailsProf. Marco StefanelliUniversità degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, Laboratorio di Informatica Medica    Dec 14th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsJerzy StefanowskiPoznan University of Technology, Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems    May 23rd, 2002Update
 DetailsDr. Milan StepanovicStudio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications    Sep 19th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsAnilmal casino Ilya StogofskyStudio Phi d.o.o.,marketing&communications    Nov 17th, 2005Update
 Detailswjumyril rqysugotz stpvgbjro nksm stpvgbjro nksm    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Nick StreetThe University of Iowa, Consolidated Adaptive Systems Technology and Optimization Research    Jun 14th, 2000Update
 DetailsDr Malcolm Strens    Apr 25th, 2005Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsJan StruyfKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Mar 21st, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsRudi StuderUniversität Karlsruhe, Institute AIFB    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsDorian SucUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science    Nov 21st, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsVojtech SvatekUniversity of Economics, Prague, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems    Apr 4th, 2000Update
 DetailsSteve SwallowEpistemics    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Marcin Szczuka    Oct 8th, 2001Update
 DetailsProfessor Nasser Tadayon    Aug 7th, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsValentina TammaUniversità degli Studi di Bari, Dipartimento di Informatica - Laboratorio di Acquisizione della Conoscenza e Apprendimento nelle Macchine    Nov 8th, 2000Update
 DetailsRebecca Boon-Noi Tan    Nov 25th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr Ernesto TarantinoInstitute for High Performance Computing and Networking - National Research Council of Italy, Complex Systems Research Group    Feb 21st, 2006Update
 DetailsDr Charles Taylor    Aug 1st, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Miachael Theß 

data available

  Feb 6th, 2003Update
 DetailsDr. Stelios ThomopoulosNCSR Demokritos, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications  

data available

 Jul 31st, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsProfessor Timothy TodmanUniversity of York, Department of Computer Science    Jul 8th, 2004Update
 DetailsLjupco TodorovskiJozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems 

data available

  Oct 20th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsProf. Mehmet Tolun    Feb 12th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsLuis TorgoUniversidade do Porto, LIACC 

data available

data available

 Sep 29th, 1999Update
 DetailsNam TranArizona State University, AI & Bioinformatics    Jul 2nd, 2004Update
up arrowDetailsDr Alexey Tsymbal    Jun 7th, 2005Update
 DetailsAlexander TzanovColumbia University, BIOINFORMATICS    Nov 21st, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsEsko UkkonenUniversity of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 Detailsdmjvelyg qajscgzdx uwcsof sqph uwcsof sqph    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsAntal van den BoschTilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics 

data available

  Nov 10th, 1999Update
 DetailsDrs Peter van der Putten    Jan 25th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsIr. Rob van der VeerSentient, Sentient    Jul 16th, 2004Update
 DetailsWim Van LaerKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science 

data available

data available

 Nov 17th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsHedderik van RijnUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Nov 23rd, 1999Update
 DetailsProf. Dr. Maarten van SomerenUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Sep 4th, 2000Update
up arrowDetailsLecturer Michalis VazirgiannisAthens University of Economics & Bussiness, Data BAse research group    Jan 3rd, 2000Update
 DetailsFrancisco Alte da VeigaUniversidade de Coimbra, Dept. de Engenharia Informática    Feb 8th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailsdr. Sofie VerbaetenKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Computer Science    Mar 21st, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsFloor VerdeniusAgrotechnology & Food Innovations b.v., Quality in Chains - Production and Control Systems    Nov 5th, 2004Update
 DetailsDr. Pablo VerdesInstitute of Physics Rosario, Nonlinear Physics & Neural Networks    Jan 8th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsDr sanjay verma    Jun 16th, 2005Update
 DetailsDr Konstantinos Veropoulos1) Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society; 2) Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; 3) University of Bristol, Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group; 4) The International Machine Learning Society; 5) Bristol University, Computational Intelligence Group, Bristol University    Jul 7th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsCristina Versino    Jun 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsRicardo VilaltaUniversity of Houston, Computer Science    Feb 27th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsMr Alexei Vinokourov    Nov 17th, 2000Update
 DetailsIvo VollrathUniversität Kaiserslautern, AI & Knowledge Based Systems    Nov 16th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Hans Voss1) Fraunhofer Gesellschaft e.V., Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS); 2) GMD-Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik GmbH, Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS)    Nov 17th, 1999Update
 DetailsProf. Christel VRAINLaboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orléans, Machine Learning    Jan 26th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Grace Wahba    Apr 1st, 2000Update
 DetailsDr. David Waltz  

data available

 Jan 27th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsProf. M Arif Wani  

data available

 Oct 14th, 2001Update
 DetailsDr. Ian Watson    May 20th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 DetailsMr Douglas Weers    Nov 4th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsGary WeissRutgers, State University of New Jersey, Rutgers Machine Learning Research Group 

data available

  Sep 15th, 1999Update
 DetailsDietrich Wettschereck1) Dialogis Software & Services GmbH; 2) The Robert Gordon University, Computational Intelligence Group 

data available

  Feb 17th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsWelfare Jodi White    Dec 2nd, 2005Update
 DetailsBob WielingaUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Peter Wiesnerphase-it intelligent solutions AG    Dec 7th, 2001Update
 Detailsrivkdolw dvzy wldchgysk yqjgme wldchgysk yqjgme    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Dr. Stefan WrobelOtto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, School of Computer Science 

data available

  Jun 18th, 1999Update
 Detailsjhrqdion ukyxl wtok clvwsbf wtok clvwsbf    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsBart WynsGhent University, Machine Learning Research Group    Aug 13th, 2004Update
 DetailsFritz WysotzkiTechnische Universität Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence Group 

data available

data available

 Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Ke Xu    Jul 4th, 2002Update
 Detailsajvsck xdmzayog xwiqy vldyknjwp xwiqy vldyknjwp    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr. Moawia Elfaki Yahia    Oct 27th, 2002Update
 DetailsStuart YeatesUniversity of Waikato in New Zealand, Text Mining at Waikato    May 27th, 2000Update


up arrow PersonGroup, Institution





 Detailslaurnhgj kiqgvczf ygzbron zmagtfro ygzbron zmagtfro    Jun 16th, 2006Update
up arrowDetailsDr Elad Yom-Tov    Apr 4th, 2005Update
 DetailsZheyuan Yu    Nov 18th, 2003Update
up arrowDetailsMr. Yang YuNanjing University, LAMDA    Feb 10th, 2005Update
 DetailsYie Yuan    Jul 29th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsNazar Zaki1) ; 2) University Technology Malaysia, Bioinformatics Centre    Mar 5th, 2004Update
 DetailsLenie ZandvlietUniversiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Social Science Informatics    Jun 15th, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsJakub ZavrelTilburg University, ILK / Computational Linguistics 

data available

  Mar 15th, 2000Update
 DetailsProf. Thomas ZeugmannUniv. Luebeck, Institute of Theoret. CS    Feb 22nd, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsMr. De-Chuan Zhan    Jun 17th, 2005Update
 DetailsMiss Wan Zhang    Aug 29th, 2002Update
up arrowDetailsPh.D. Student Min-Ling ZhangNanjing University, LAMDA    Jun 28th, 2004Update
 DetailsProfessor Du Zhang    Aug 7th, 2001Update
up arrowDetailsProf. Zhi-Hua ZhouNanjing University, LAMDA 

data available

data available

 Jun 27th, 2004Update
 DetailsResearch Assist. Prof. Xingquan Zhu    Dec 22nd, 2004Update


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 DetailsMeira Zinger    Dec 29th, 2005Update
up arrowDetailsInventor Abolfazl Zohoorian    Jul 20th, 2003Update
 DetailsTatjana ZrimecUniversity of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science 

data available

  Nov 21st, 1999Update
up arrowDetailsAssociate Professor Jean-Daniel ZUCKERUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie-CNRS, ACASA group, LIP6    Feb 25th, 2002Update
 DetailsMs. Jenny Zuo 

data available

  Dec 20th, 2002Update

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