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Two PhD Studentships available

Machine Learning and Neural Networks group Università degli Studi di Firenze

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Two PhD Studentships available

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Working area/topic



Machine learning in Bioinformatics


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Machine Learning and Neural Networks group
Università degli Studi di Firenze


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Two 3 years Ph.D. fellowships supported by the European Commission are available starting on January 2006 with the Machine learning and Neural Networks group at the Università degli Studi di Firenze under the supervision of Prof. Paolo Frasconi.

The research project, part of the EU funded BIOPTRAIN program (see for details), aims at designing new machine learning algorithms for the analysis of bioinformatics data. Applications of particular interest include prediction of protein structure, protein biochemical properties, protein function, biological activity of molecules, and the modeling of biological pathways. Special emphasis will be given to learning algorithms for sequential, structured and relational data, probabilistic and logical representations, kernel machines, recursive neural networks.

The ideal candidate will have a master's degree (or equivalent) with a background in one of the following areas: computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, or statistics. Knowledge of fundamental aspects of computer science (algorithms and data structures, discrete mathematics, programming languages) is required. Previous knowledge of artificial intelligence, statistics, or bioinformatics is highly desirable.

Fellows will be recruited under an employment contract and will benefit from travel and mobility allowances. Additional details about these highly prestigious positions (in particular, salary and eligibility) can be found in the EST Handbook (see mobility rules). Women in particular are invited to apply. If several applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, EU rules on equal opportunities will be applied.

Applications should include your CV, a one-page statement of your research interests and motivations for pursuing Ph.D. studies, and contact information (including email addresses) for at least two references.

The deadline for applications is August 1st 2005. Selected finalists will be asked to participate in an interview.

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Contact address


Please send your application preferably by email to bioptrain AT dsi DOT unifi DOT it (using PDF or plain text for your attachments) of by surface mail to:

Prof. Paolo Frasconi
Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Università di Firenze
Via di Santa Marta 3
50139 Firenze, Italy


Application deadline


b D, Y




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